
About Us


About Us, welcome to Made By Patriots, we are just getting started after a rush of purpose to create a movement about FREEDOM, PEACE and UNITY – so please be patient, your feedback is welcome. Our goal is to sell ONLY products made in the United States of America as well created officially made by an American Patriot.

What’s A Patriot??

What does it take to become an American Patriot? It’s quite simple: love your country, live for freedom and represent The United States of America as friendly, peace loving, help humanity and allow assembly for free speech. There are many facts American’s do not know how history or their country.

Our Mission

By providing cool slogan’s, Made By Patriots initiative is to educate our community with cool t-shirts, fun stickers and more to get certain messages out to the public. By your “donation” (we are in the process for filing to become a non-profit) when purchasing any of our products you are helping to educate our beautiful nation of people.

Made By Patriots

Online Store

About The Owner

Todd Coburn founded Made By Patriots to initiate several movements across the country and the world. There’s so much information that has been hidden from us about our country, our government and it’s time we start bringing to surface the truth.

The mission is well done through carefully designed products that leave your ears ringing with a message. Our products are made to be informative, educational, fun, entertaining and super rad to wear, own or stick on things.

Affiliate Program

Ask about our Affiliate Program: Affiliates have no cost, no upfront fees and no risk at all, Made By Patriots takes all the risk and covers all eCommerce related costs. Our company will continue to grow and produce quality products in support of our national freedom.

Have an idea?? Shoot us an email and we will do our best to create your idea and bring it to life. We have a team of product developers that are constantly in search of the next best and cool to have item so stick around and be cool!

about us